Enhancing Member Engagement Through Personalized Mobile Apps: Leveraging AI for Associations

In today’s digital era, personalization has evolved from a luxury to a necessity for meaningful member engagement. Association members are inundated with information and networking opportunities, raising their expectations for experiences that are not only informative but also tailored to their unique needs and interests. At Accella, we recognize that associations must adapt to this shift to remain relevant and valuable. Leveraging data-driven artificial intelligence integrated in mobile apps and member dashboards offers a compelling solution to deliver these personalized experiences effectively and at scale.

The Imperative of Personalization

The demand for personalization is not just a fleeting trend—it’s a fundamental shift in member expectations. Recent studies highlight this transformation:

    • Increased Expectation for Tailored Content: Members now expect associations to provide communication and content aligned with their specific interests and professional needs. The Community Brands Digital Evolution Study reveals that 79% of members believe it is important or very important for their association to provide targeted, personalized content.
    • Higher Engagement and Satisfaction: Associations implementing personalization strategies often witness elevated levels of member engagement and satisfaction. According to the Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report by Marketing General Incorporated, organizations that segment and personalize their communications reported a higher renewal rate by 10 percentage points compared to those that do not personalize.
    • Influence on Membership Renewal: Personalized interactions play a crucial role in membership renewal decisions. Research from the ASAE Foundation notes that members who feel their association provides personalized value are more than 50% more likely to renew their membership.
    • Broader Consumer Trends: This expectation for customized experiences extends beyond associations. The Salesforce State of the Connected Customer Report highlights that 84% of customers say being treated like a person, not a number, is very important to winning their business.

    Delivering Powerful Personalized Digital Experiences

    Given that members spend a significant portion of their day engaging with mobile devices, meeting them where they are is essential. If you’re considering a mobile app, it’s prudent to start by evaluating off-the-shelf app-building tools like Clowder. These platforms are cost-effective and quicker to implement, offering straightforward access to news, events, membership profiles, and networking—suiting approximately 80% of associations.

    However, if you believe that personalization is key to member engagement and retention, a more substantial investment in your digital experience is necessary. At Accella, we approach this in two ways:

        • Personalized Member Dashboards: Similar to what we built for CUES, these dashboards offer a customized web experience, tailoring content and features to individual member preferences.

        • Personalized Mobile App Experiences: We develop custom mobile apps that either focus on specific use cases—like our work for the American Rental Association—or provide a comprehensive member experience with personalization through data-driven AI enhancements.

      Creating this level of personalized experience requires a custom build by experienced teams of UX designers, strategists, senior-level developers, and AI experts. While it is a more significant investment, the impact on the bottom line can be substantial—just ask CUES about their 66% increase in member benefit usage after their dashboard went live.

      How to Start Thinking About Personalized App Experiences

      Okay, so you’re convinced of the importance of personalization in your association’s mobile app. But how do you begin ideating these enhanced features? Below are some ways that personalization and AI can transform everyday feature sets into significant value-adds for your organization and your members. These ideas are designed to spark your creativity. If you want to be more intentional, reach out to our team, and we can set up a feature ideation workshop to customize these experiences for your organization.

      Personalized Events

      Utilize machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior, preferences, and past event attendance. This enables you to suggest relevant upcoming events tailored to each member. By offering personalized event recommendations, you enhance member engagement and increase event participation.

      Tailored Industry News and Insights

      AI can analyze user interests to deliver customized news feeds featuring articles, reports, and updates relevant to them. Employing Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to summarize lengthy articles into key points allows for quick reading and better information retention. This ensures members stay informed about the topics that matter most to them.

      Customized Regulatory Updates and Alerts

      An AI assistant can answer user queries about regulations and compliance requirements in real-time, providing immediate assistance. By filtering regulatory updates based on the user’s role, industry sector, and interests, AI ensures they receive only pertinent information. Simplifying complex regulatory documents into digestible summaries makes it easier for members to stay compliant without being overwhelmed.

      Personalized Educational Resources and Training

      AI creates customized learning plans based on the user’s skill level, learning pace, and career goals, enhancing professional development. By suggesting courses, webinars, and training materials aligned with the user’s interests and past activities, you provide a more engaging and effective learning experience.

      Enhanced Member Directory and Networking

      AI suggests connections with other members who share similar interests, goals, or complementary skills, facilitating smarter networking. It recommends groups, forums, or discussions for the user to join based on their professional background. Summarizing discussions and topics allows for quick reading and insights, highlighting areas of interest without overwhelming users with all content.

      Intelligent Resource Library

      Recommend articles, whitepapers, and publications based on the user’s reading history and interests to personalize the resource library. Using AI to summarize documents and highlight key sections pertinent to the user’s needs saves time and enhances the value of the content provided.

      Targeted Push Notifications

      AI determines the most relevant notifications for each user, reducing notification fatigue and increasing engagement. By sending personalized alerts, you ensure that members receive information that is important to them when they need it.

      Adaptive Customizable Dashboard

      AI adjusts the dashboard interface to highlight features and content most relevant to the user, creating a personalized home screen experience. This adaptive interface ensures that members have quick access to the tools and information they use most.

      AI-Powered Virtual Assistant

      Users can interact with an AI assistant using everyday language, with the assistant understanding and responding appropriately. It assists with scheduling events, setting reminders, or registering for courses, streamlining administrative tasks. Offering help based on the user’s history and preferences—such as navigating the app or finding specific resources—provides personalized support. The AI improves over time by learning from user interactions, becoming more efficient and accurate in meeting member needs.

      Accella’s Role in Transforming Member Experiences

      At Accella, we specialize in guiding associations through the digital transformation journey. Our expertise lies in integrating advanced technologies like generative AI into your digital platforms, ensuring seamless adoption and maximum impact. We collaborate closely with associations to understand their unique challenges and objectives, crafting solutions that are not only technologically sound but also strategically aligned with your mission.

      Our approach is holistic—we consider the technological, operational, and human aspects of digital transformation. By doing so, we help associations unlock the full potential of their digital ecosystems –  creating personalized, engaging, and meaningful experiences for their members along the way.

      The Wrap Up

      The expectation for personalization among association members is more than a passing trend; it’s a fundamental shift in how members interact with and perceive value from their associations. Custom-built mobile apps present a unique opportunity to meet these evolving expectations by delivering highly personalized experiences directly to members’ devices. Leveraging artificial intelligence within these apps allows associations to provide tailored content, real-time updates, and interactive features that enhance member satisfaction, drive engagement, and foster long-term loyalty—all while operating more efficiently.

      At Accella, we’re committed to empowering associations to navigate this new landscape. Through strategic consulting and the development of bespoke mobile applications, we help organizations not only keep pace with change but lead the way in delivering exceptional, personalized member experiences. Our mobile solutions harness the power of AI to ensure that your association offers individualized interactions that meet the unique needs of each member, right at their fingertips.

      About Accella

      Accella is a leading digital agency specializing in consulting and building innovative digital experiences for associations and organizations. With a focus on integrating advanced technologies like generative AI, we help clients transform their operations and engagement strategies to meet the demands of today’s digital-first world. Our team combines strategic insight with technical expertise to deliver solutions that drive growth, efficiency, and member satisfaction.

      Jason King

      Jason King

      As President of Accella, Jason provides strategic vision towards growing a multi-faceted agency with a focus on helping clients understand how digital transformation impacts their organization on a daily basis.

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