User Agent Man

How to demo and test mobile web applications using Chrome and User Agents to simulate a mobile device.

From C# to Objective-C

As a .Net developer, I had a lot to learn when I made the jump to developing for iOS.  At first I was in awe at how different it was, then later, how much it was the same.  All in all it has been a great experience, and today I’m posting some of my thoughts on a few […]

Should I Develop an Android App?

The Android platform will soon become the second most popular mobile phone platform worldwide, and looks to become number 1 by 2014 according to the latest numbers from Gartner.

International Travel with the iPhone

I recently had the opportunity to travel internationally with my iPhone.  Since I was going to be visiting family in Australia for over two weeks, I thought it would be a good idea to buy a data plan in order to use the iPhone’s GPS for way-finding and to keep a pulse on my emails. Getting the […]