The #1 Task for Marketers in 2020 — Data Privacy

Marketing personalization has brought on many questions about data privacy.

Today we’ll discuss data privacy, what marketers need to know, and three key areas to focus your efforts in 2020.

We’ll lean on our experience with dozens of web and mobile projects with clients where we’ve delivered websites and apps that increase engagement, engage customers, and promote brand loyalty.

Data privacy—It’s your job

Data privacy—how we collect data, how we store it, how we use it—is on every marketer’s mind. Ten years ago, staying up to date on legislation, laws, and requirements around data privacy wasn’t in a marketer’s job description. Today, it very much is. 

Marketers are accountable for implementing strategies and tactics that provide personalized experiences. They’re also responsible for how their organizations collect and use data, and whether those processes align with legal regulations.

Not prepared to protect privacy?

If your gut reaction is to run and hide from the privacy conversation, you’re not alone. It’s a topic that is constantly evolving and involves many moving pieces. 

But there are a few places to focus your efforts first. These are our recommendations as you create your 2020 marketing plans.

WEBSITE PRIVACY: Prepare for GDPR-like Legislation in the US

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe made everyone sit up and take note of what their organization is doing when it comes to data privacy. While GDPR applies to European citizens, many U.S. lawmakers have and will continue to implement similar restrictions for U.S. users.

#1 Goal: Be Proactive & Transparent

If your organization hasn’t already tackled the regulations laid out by GDPR, start there (and start soon). GDPR signaled a shift from “passive” to “active” participation in marketing efforts; an option for users to opt out isn’t enough, they must now choose to engage with your organization. When in doubt, think “transparency” when it comes to your organization’s data collection efforts.

Organizations must build data collection mechanisms now that support GDPR and similar regulations throughout the marketing efforts.

APPLICATION PRIVACY: Stay On Top Of Changing Policies

Apple and Google change their policies constantly. Marketers must stay up to date on how these ever-evolving policies impact their apps.  

For instance, Apple recently rolled out a new policy that any app that served children couldn’t collect user data. This obviously had incredibly far-reaching implications. When the marketplace voiced its concerns, Apple changed its policy again. Third-parties that serve children can now collect user data, as long as it’s not information that identifies children, such as name, date of birth, or email address.

Marketers must stay aware of changes in the app space and ensure their offerings match the latest regulations.


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PRIVACY HYGIENE: Keep Policies Current

Review your privacy policy and terms of service on an annual basis. You should ensure your policies align with what you’re currently putting into the marketplace as an organization. 

Questions you might ask:

  • We collect cookies—do we mention it?
  • Do we state the data we collect in our policies? Are we actually using it? 
  • Have we added any new advertising cookies, 3rd party marketing automation or analytics integrations  that need to be included?

There are a few online generators that you can use to get started if you’re not sure what to include in your policy, such as this one. That said, a lawyer should also review your documents each year.  

Revisit your privacy policy and terms of service annually to make sure they truly protect your organization. 

Data privacy is a moving target and you must be ready to incorporate continual changes into your offerings. 

If you have questions about data privacy, you know where to find us. Fill out the form below and we’ll be happy to chat.

Alyssa Hulka

Alyssa Hulka

As the VP of Digital Strategy at Accella, Alyssa Hulka crafts digital strategies, defines the vision for digital products and redefines user experiences. With a focus on building meaningful connections between brands and consumers, Alyssa specializes in driving forward innovative digital experiences.

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