Energy & Power | Data Vis, IoT/Connected, and Web App

NOC Demo Data Visualization of Key Metrics

Prototype Fleet Monitoring System with intuitive graphics, alerts, and push notifications to showcase capabilities for a future commercial product launch.

Visualizing home level solar panel performance and optimizations.

Electriq Power was looking to make a splash at the annual Intersolar Conference. They looked to Accella to help create a totally new user experience and interface design. Working off a high level scope, we collaborated with the client for several weeks on ideas and design concepts that would be useful for their presentation.

NOC-NOC… Who’s There?

Starting from scratch we were able to think outside the box and create a NOC experience that regional installers could use to monitor, manage and maintain their networks of smart battery installations.

Taking a look at the bigger picture.

Types of data included degredation in performance of solar panels, reduction in percentage of load coverage, upcoming weather alerts that could impact battery performance, real time energy savings, and localized data visualizations to view geographic area grid data.

All new kiosk app designed and developed for the show.

In addition to the NOC demo, Accella also created an app for the event to serve as an information kiosk for attendees. This easy to use tablet kiosk complemented their existing web and app experiences and served as a virtual salesman in the Electriq Power booth.

tablet app