Consumer, Mobile, and Web | Mobile App and Web App

Create amazing wall art from your phone.

Photo selection, filters, and cropping allow for an easy to follow UX and checkout process.

Free Your Photos

PhotoSquared is a unique app that allows you to choose your favorite photos from your phone and have them printed onto lightweight, 8” x 8” photo boards that stick to your walls with style.

Simple, 3 Step Ordering

The user experience and interface design ensures the shortest path to purchase and is optimized towards single session conversion. The application applies a simple 3 step process to select photos, edit them and then checkout, minimizing distractions and focuses on delivering the end product quickly.

Leave Something In Your Cart?

A robust integration with LeanPlum, a multichannel customer engagement platform, enables PhotoSquared to trigger automated in-app, email and text-based messages to audiences, ensuring no cart gets left behind.

Rapid Go-To-Market, Ongoing Feature Enhancements

In order to launch in time for the holiday season, Accella delivered a working MVP to market in less than 6 weeks. The app continues to evolve with new features based on customer desires and business operational needs.

Lowering Customer Acquisition Costs

Social advertising integration and conversion tracking enables PhotoSquared to target the audiences most likely to download and convert, lowering customer acquisition costs and increasing the ROI on advertising dollars.

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