Healthcare, Medical Devices, and Mobile | Data Vis, IoT/Connected, and Mobile App

Track and evaluate your overall wellness and sleep.

The Sana Relief App guides you through use of the Sana device which helps with Sleep, Pain, and Mood relief.

Review consistency in use to maximize your relief.

When first using the app, you'll see a dashboard that allows you to track your daily, weekly and monthly trends on sleep quality, pain, and mood.

Capturing daily metrics to help you achieve your optimal wellness.

Sana Journal feature allows you to make notes and track personal trends along with your metrics and Sana Score.

Recording, calculating and interpreting your data.

The Sana Score brings together your reported metrics of Sleep, Pain, and Mood, along with your heart rate as recorded during your daily Sana sessions. To customize your experience, you can set a personalized priority on each of the metrics and the weight you place on each. Using the data collected you’re able to view your trends via daily, weekly, or monthly views.

3 screens from app