Why so Blue?

Colors are an extremely important factor in your branding and product design. Colors create subconscious emotional connections to the things we see. Don’t believe me? Let’s take a quick look at the color Blue. Generally considered a calm, safe and reliable color, Blue is a predominant color used in various industries. Financial American Express, Citi, […]

You need to be more responsive

Remember when the phrase “Paper is Dead” was all the rage? Flash forward a decade (or two) and now it’s “The Desktop is Dead”. In 2015 Google announced it would drastically change their search algorithms for mobile searches so that web sites that aren’t responsive  would see a noticeable decrease in their page rankings. What […]

A moment of silence for Internet Explorer

As of January 12, 2016 Internet Explorer 11 will become the last version of Internet Explorer supported by Microsoft. That means if you have 10, 9, 8 , 7, etc… security and performance updates will no longer be available, so it’s time to update ASAP. Here’s Microsoft’s official line: “Beginning January 12, 2016, only the […]

Web fonts make everything better

Want to jazz up your web site without a lot of effort? Try using a different font for your site content! Over the last few years you may have noticed that the web sites you’ve been reading are using different fonts from what were seen in years past. Older web browsers only had the ability […]