I read in a blog that we should restrict backlink creation to 3 to 5 links per day. If we create more backlinks what will happen? And what bothers Google? I am not doing any automated backlinks but rather genuinely writing articles and creating backlinks.…
GoDaddy recently purchased Media Temple. What does this mean for Media Temple customers? Especially ones that aren't happy with GoDaddy's hosting services?
With iOS 7 set to debut in the Fall of 2013, and development timelines for apps taking anywhere from two to six months, when is the right time to develop for iOS7
My company is looking to create a mobile app, however we have some internal debate on where the ROI comes from with mobile apps? How can we make money by building a mobile app?
I want to create an iPhone application, and I want to dynamically update the app icon similarly to how the calendar icon updates on a user's homescreen, is that possible? Additionally, is there any control over presentation in the notifications center. If you look at…
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