
Driving Member Empowerment: CUES’ Established Dashboard

For the Credit Union Executive Society (CUES), the hyper-personalized dashboard has become a cornerstone of member benefit access, serving over 2,000 users monthly. Through its intuitive interface, members can effortlessly explore a comprehensive array of offerings, including exclusive discounts, educational resources, and networking opportunities. By…

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Waterpik’s Black Friday Conversion Success Through Personalized Push Notifications

Waterpik faced the challenge of converting app users into purchasers on Black Friday with a methodical push notification campaign. Each week, targeted messages were sent, customized for various user segments based on their preferred flosser type. Providing personalized, exclusive deals allowed users to look forward…

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Empowering Product Ownership: Amplifying the User’s Voice

In the dynamic realm of product ownership, success is intricately tied to our ability to understand and champion the needs of the user. Our primary mission as product owners is to ensure that every decision we make is guided by the voice of the user.…

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The Power of Personalization: Elevating Digital Experiences to New Heights

In today's fast-paced digital world, there's a silent hero quietly transforming our online interactions: personalization. It's not just a buzzword; it's the driving force that's reshaping the way we engage with digital products and services. In the digital realm, as you browse through your social…

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Simplifying Online Event Consideration & Sign-Up: Stripe Sessions Case Study

If you're someone who's been to in-person events, you'd know that they can be pretty overwhelming, especially when you're not sure what to expect. Over the weekend, I stumbled upon the Stripe Sessions event landing page, and I have to say, it was a fantastic…

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