iPhone, Android or BlackBerry?
That is a question that I find myself fielding quite a lot lately.
Which platform should you launch your app on first or does it make sense to launch on all three concurrently?
While the rules do change, we suggest that the first platform you launch be the iPhone. The user base is still more app-centric than Android or BlackBerry. Plus users are more likely to spend for the app. Of course that equation will quickly change as Android apps and its platform become more popular.
We also suggest that if you have the luxury of a little market research first you should conduct your due diligence and survey the potential user base. Some of our clients have done their homework and reached a conclusion that Android made sense to start with first. Others have come to the decision that they want to skip the smart phone development and go straight to the iPad, or an Android tablet.
Next week we’ll tackle how easy it is to build on all three platforms simultaneously.
What mobile platform would you go with first for your mobile application?
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