No More Phone Numbers in Google Ads!

Google has recently updated some of their policies.  One big change that may affect a lot of advertisers is the elimination of phone numbers in text ads.  According to the updated policy:

Phone numbers and vanity phone numbers can’t be used anywhere in ad text or in a sitelinks extension, except for company names that are actual phone numbers (such as “1800-EXAMPLE”). Phone numbers in ads are confusing to users who might be expecting to be led to a call session as opposed to a website. To let customers call you directly from your ad, use call extensions instead.

This is actually a benefit to advertisers, as you should be using Call Extensions with your ads, thus freeing up text in your ad to use a different call to action, such as “Buy Now” “Save Today” or “Register Online!”

Jon Stroz

Jon Stroz

Jon Stroz is a marketing guru, mostly in online marketing strategies and brand management. After graduating from Towson University with a degree in Advertising and Public Relations, he quickly became an integral part of a technology firm in Baltimore, MD. Since then Jon has honed his marketing skills and focused on online marketing strategies where he is also a Google Adwords Certified Individual.

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