
The Cost of an iPad Application

I recently read a blog about how much it cost to build the new Twitterific iPad app: While the vast majority of iPad apps are not this costly, I think this blog is revealing in that it shows what the associated costs are for…

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International Travel with the iPhone

I recently had the opportunity to travel internationally with my iPhone.  Since I was going to be visiting family in Australia for over two weeks, I thought it would be a good idea to buy a data plan in order to use the iPhone’s GPS…

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Translating Your Vision Effectively to Developers (Part I)

Throughout my career, I’ve witnessed the development of a variety of websites, mobile applications and software projects; I’ve heard a lot of great ideas and I’ve witnessed a lot of frustration when the vision isn’t properly translated to a final project. I’ve had my own…

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Optimizing Your AdWords Campaign Using Google’s Adwords Campaign Experiments (ACE)

If you haven’t heard of Google’s AdWords Campaign Experiment (ACE), or even worse have heard of it but haven’t started using it, it’s time to take a serious look at what ACE can do. Aside from lowering your Cost Per Acquisition (CPA), this feature can…

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Objective C – Using a UIScrollView for Infinite Page Loops

When creating paging functionality for iPhone apps, there may be times that an infinite page loop would be desired. For example, if you have a small gallery of photos you are displaying, you may want to swipe through the set and have it start back…

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