iPhone, Android or BlackBerry? That is a question that I find myself fielding quite a lot lately. Which platform should you launch your app on first or does it make sense to launch on all three concurrently? While the rules do change, we suggest that…
BlackBerry is giving away free BlackBerry PlayBooks (Their Tablet Computer) to developers that create a qualifying application and have it launched in their North America store prior to the device's release. (http://us.blackberry.com/developers/tablet/playbook_offer.jsp?IID=us:bb:playbook_View%20offer%20details) According to BlackBerry's Website "The main criterion to qualify for the free BlackBerry…
When installing the blackberry JDE on 64-bit Windows, expect to run into several problems. There are two big problems that I encountered when trying to get setup. Problem 1 - Cannot find javaw After running through the installation and trying to start the JDE, I…
DealNews.com, a website that promotes the best and hottest online deals each day, posted an article today on the psychology and reasoning behind publishers discounting, or even giving away their iPhone applications on iTunes. Some of the reasons include the garner more reviews, increase downloads,…
Accella develops mobile applications for the Android platform, either starting with an idea from scratch or migrating an existing iPhone or web application to the Android. For those of our readers who also read iPhone Life Magazine, you may have realized that in this month's…
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