
Facebook advertising: a great choice for small business

A video from CNBC talks about Facebook and how it is cashing in on online advertising, specifically from companies outside the top 1,000 advertisers.

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The Mobile App World is Booming: An MPT Interview with Jason King

Accella CEO, Jason King, was recently interviewed on Maryland Public Television's "Your Money & Business" about the surging world of Mobile Applications. What is a mobile app, how does one begin the process of developing. The interview starts around 0:56 if you want to jump…

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Create a Linux Mint 12 Bootable USB Drive

All it takes is 12 steps to get you running with a bootable USB drive.  If you'd like to go straight to the instructions for the Bootable USB drive, click here. This past weekend I spent some time playing around with Linux Mint 12. Last…

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Animate.css: Cool animations using CSS3

Web technologies are always improving, and at an enormous rate. The web is moving in a way that makes it possible to do things natively in the web browser where one once had to rely only on external scripts or images. This is a very…

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Testing Apps IS Important – Just Ask Google

I'm not sure how many folks are up on the latest chatter about Google's iOS native GMail app that they released today. After much discussion for the past few days on Mashable and other sites, it was finally released today to much excitement. Sadly, for…

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