
How Much Will my Mobile App Cost to Create?

What will my mobile app cost me or my company? This must be one of the toughest questions in the hottest IT market right now; mobile application development.  I field this question every single working day and many weekends as well.  As you can imagine…

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Amazon says were giving your app away for free, Now shut up!

When Amazon's android app store launched not too long ago I think every developer smiled a bit. This was a new store with some compelling features, features that allowed users to try your app in a web browser before buying, and it has the potential…

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QR Codes – How can your Company Benefit from Using a 2D Bar Code?

QR Codes - What are they? Quick Response (QR) Codes are two dimensional bar codes that are read by QR barcode readers. Though they are similar to the standard barcode that we’re used to seeing when making purchases, QR codes can hold thousands of alphanumeric…

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XML encoding (utf-8, ascii)

XML is a markup language similar to HTML. It was designed to transport data. Once data has been enoded, it can be easily read by many different systems. As a result, it is widely used in web services to transfer data. Recently, I was working…

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ffmepg and html5 Video – Avoiding Flash Technology

As indicated by Saimon, a lot of people have wondered how they could use ffmpeg to produce videos that can leverage the use of the html5 tag <video>. The objective is to avoid the use of the Flash technology. In order to achieve this objective,…

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