
Oh No! A Quick Guide to Drupal Backup Strategies

The Scenario Many of us have been there - we walk into the office on Monday morning, go to the break room to grab a cup of coffee before we sit down to our workstation, intending to ease in to the day. Our email client is…

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Drupal 7 to 8 Upgrade Overview

Drupal 7 to 8 Upgrade Overview Drupal 7 is currently the recommended version for deployment, and will be community-supported until the official release of Drupal 9 (which will not begin development until Drupal 8 has reached Long Term Support status). Drupal 8 is not yet…

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Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Tips and Tricks

Microsoft released Visual Studio 2013 on November 13, 2013. With this new release came many cool features for .net developer’s to take advantage of. I've outlined below some of the new features that I've found most interesting. resolve menu typing creating new Azure site’s from…

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Drupal 8 – Scary, Stupendous, or Somewhere In Between?

Please Note: Drupal 8 is under development as of this writing (12/31/2013), and can and most likely will change further. Your experience may differ from my own! For the last several weeks now, I've been making my way through the new Symfony structure that has been…

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Quality Assurance & Testing Websites

Even if you can’t hold the product in your hand, quality control is still an integral part of any work process. This is especially true when developing a website, mobile app, or even a brand identity. With all of the recent news surrounding the troubled…

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