
Isn’t it Ironic

So Alanis Morissette wrote the song Ironic years ago, which ironically didn't mention things that were ironic, but rather just sucked. For instance, a traffic jam, when you're already late, isn't ironic, it just sucks. Getting stuck in a traffic jam while you're on your…

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Bring Back the Human Element to Your Brand

Many companies have taken the "human" element out of their brand. How can you bring that back? In this interview from Social Media Examiner and Rohit Bhargava, senior vice president of digital strategy and marketing at Ogilvy, you can learn some of the ways to…

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Social Media – How to Make Money from It

Peter Shankman, a social media whiz, who is asked to speak at events around the country and around the world recently posted about how to make money from social media. Not how to do it, how to do it and make money. He takes a…

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Web Marketing Strategy

I've been asked by several clients recently to help develop a web marketing strategy. I thought that the following information might be useful in beginning to figure out how to advertise/promote online. Keep in mind that these are simply some basic tactics that you should…

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Mobile App Analytics Packages

App publishers should be looking at their app's statistics in order to gain an understanding of their app's performance: how often is it being downloaded, what are user's doing inside their app, are their any bugs in their app that keep a user from fully…

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